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M.E. LaZerte News

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  • Video and Document Update Regarding March 30 - April 3


    Click here to view this video update from Principal Kim Backs as well as this document: March 20 Update PDF

  • Community Resources Addressing COVID 19


    Resources in Edmonton in response to COVID 19

  • COVID-19 Resources for Parents to Use for Talking to their Kids


    The Conversation:  How to talk to your kids about COVID-19

    World Health Organization:  Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak

    Child Mind.org:  Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus

    New York Times:  5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus

    PBS: How you and your kids can de-stress during Coronavirus


  • Schools Closed Until Further Notice


    From the Alberta Government:

    Effective immediately, students will no longer be attending classes in K-12 schools and post-secondary institutions until further notice.  School authorities are expected to continue their regular day-to-day operations and ensure the safety of school facilities. Maintenance, capital projects, cleaning of facilities and administrative work will continue.

    Every K-12 student will receive a final mark and students will progress to their next grade level next year. At this time, diploma exams essential for post-secondary acceptance will continue. Every student who is eligible to graduate from Grade 12 this year will graduate.

    Teachers and other school staff will still be expected to work, either from home or at their workplace, to ensure these expectations are met. Decisions on how to do this are still to be made, and it may vary depending on the school jurisdiction. 

    We will ask that parents and students do not come into our school for the next two days to get items from their lockers until we have an opportunity to establish safety protocols for social distancing. We will gather more information moving forward and share it with you as soon as possible. 

    We care about our students, their families, and our staff. We are doing the best with what information we know at this time, and we want everyone to be healthy in our entire LaZerte community as we work our way through uncharted territory. Thank you for your understanding as we progress forward with the best interests of our students at the forefront. We are moving ahead together and we will ensure students and families have information as soon as we are able to deliver it. 

    Please check back on Wednesday, March 18 for our latest protocols around accessing materials, posted news, and what comes next. Thank you for understanding and walking alongside us as we take our next steps forward. 


    Kim Backs


  • Valentines "Crushing" on M.E. LaZerte


    It's no secret that LaZerte students are admirers of our school - see the love for yourself! 

    Click here and enjoy!